Success for WHSB in UKMT Mathetatics Olympiad for Girls

The UKMT (UK Maths Trust) is the leading British charity that advances the education of young people in Mathematics. Each year, over 700,000 young people take part in UKMT Challenges, Kangaroos and Olympiads. The UKMT Mathematical Olympiad for Girls is a nationwide competition, aimed at the UK’s most able girls, with 2,000 participants taking part. Consisting of five extremely challenging questions, which must be completed in two and a half hours, students are encouraged to explore written mathematical problems. Entrants' written solutions are then sent to be scrutinised and marked by a panel. The marking allows students to further develop their ideas and to assess how they have engaged with the problems set.
This academic year, Upper Sixth students from WHSB, Hau-Ming, Nazrin, and Maria took the paper, with all three being awarded either Merit or Distinction. We are proud of all who participated, and of their exceptional performances at a national level. Well done to Maria (pictured) for achieving a Distinction, only awarded to the top competitors. We also thank Miss James, Director of Mathematics, for preparing the students and organising their participation in this prestigious competition.