11+ Travel, Parking and Queuing Arrangements
11+ Travel, Parking and Queuing Arrangements
11+ Travel, Parking and Queuing Arrangements
WHSB would like to remind all parents of the advice previously circulated in relation to travel arrangements for the 11+ Testing at the School on Saturday 7 November and Monday 9 November 2020.
The School does not have any parking facilities on site and therefore we ask parents, where possible, to avoid driving to the area around the School.
Southend Borough Council is closing the following roads from 6am on Saturday 7 November and Monday 9 November.
· Kent Avenue
· Sussex Avenue
· Surrey Avenue
In addition, there will be parking restrictions in place on Middlesex Avenue.
If you must use a car, then please arrange to park at a distance of a 10-minute walk from the School and travel the remaining distance by foot. Aside from the practicalities, this will be a good opportunity for your son to take in some fresh air and arrive at the School feeling calm. Due to the expected number of visitors to WHSB and other local schools, searching for parking in the very near vicinity of the School is unlikely to save any time and it has the potential to create unnecessary stress.
Please remember that only one adult may accompany the candidate to the gate; please do not bring any other family members.
Please check which queue you are joining when you arrive. Your son has been assigned to a specific entrance, so please join the appropriate queue. There will be marshals and signage to help ensure you join the correct queue.
Please ensure you bring a coat as it is likely to be cold in the queue.
Whilst queueing, candidates and accompanying adults must wear a face covering, unless they are medically exempt from doing so. We ask all visitors to ensure they are maintaining social distancing at a distance of 2+ metres.